
Step 9: Choose Skills and Knowledge

Skills represent your trained ability to perform certain common adventuring tasks. You also choose the kinds of things your character is knowledgeable about. Both of these are influenced by your ability scores, but they also can be trained by putting ranks into them each level. The ranks and ability together make your score, the number you add to a d20 roll to make a skill or knowledge check. Characters can make skill checks even without any formal training, however in order to make a knowledge check, you must have at least one rank in that category. There are also some skills--proficiency skills--that require the proper proficiency before you can use to train those skills.

Skills represent your trained ability to perform certain common adventuring tasks. You also choose the kinds of things your character is knowledgeable about. Both of these are influenced by your ability scores, but they also can be trained by putting ranks into them each level. The ranks and ability together make your score, the number you add to a d20 roll to make a skill or knowledge check.

Your score = ranks trained in that skill + ability bonus related to that skill or knowledge

Characters can make skill checks even without any formal training, however in order to make a knowledge check, you must have at least one rank in that category. There are also some skills--proficiency skills--that require the proper proficiency before you can use to train those skills.

Table 4a: Skills
SkillAbility ScoreDescription
AcrobaticsDexterityYour ability to balance, tumble, and perform other feats of agility.
AthleticsStrengthTraining in swimming, climbing, flying, jumping, and other athletics.
DeceptionCharismaYour ability to deceive, bluff, or disguise yourself.
InsightWisdomYour ability to read others and discern their motivations.
IntimidationCharismaYour ability to intimidate others into a course of action.
InvestigationIntelligenceSearching rooms, finding information around town, and investigating items.
PerceptionWisdomYour ability to see, hear, smell, or otherwise notice something about the world around you.
PersuasionCharismaYour ability to change people’s minds and convince them of what you are saying.
Sleight of HandDexterityYour ability to hide objects, pick pockets, or conceal weapons.
StealthDexterityHiding, moving, or performing an action without being noticed.
Locks*DexterityAbility to pick locks. Requires the locksmith proficiency.
Performance*CharismaPerformance ability (music, theater, poetry, etc.). Requires the performer proficiency.
Track*WisdomAllows you to follow trails and track creatures. Requires Tracker proficiency.
Traps*DexteritySpotting, disabling, bypassing, or creating traps. Requires the Trapper proficiency.
*Proficiency Skill. Requires the proper proficiency before it can be used. Table 4b: Knowledge
KnowledgeAbility ScoreDescription
CraftVariesAbility to craft items of a certain type (repeatable)
AnimalsWisdomKnowledge of domestic animals, riding, and their training.
AppraisalIntelligenceAbility to appraise the value of an item.
ArcanaIntelligenceKnowledge of magic and magical creatures (including dragons).
DungeoneeringIntelligenceSurvival skills in dungeons, including direction sense and identification of underground creatures.
EngineeringIntelligenceKnowledge of constructs and buildings and how to disable or destroy them.
LinguisticsIntelligenceAbility to learn languages and understand those that you don’t speak.
Magic ItemsIntelligenceAbility to identify and create magic items, and to use them when you normally can’t.
MedicineWisdomFirst aid and the ability to evaluate wounds and sickness.
NatureIntelligenceKnowledge of natural creatures, wilderness survival, direction sense, plants, animals, etc.
PlanesIntelligenceKnowledge of planes and creatures that come from them.
PoisonsIntelligenceAbility to create and identify poisons and their effects.
Regional KnowledgeIntelligenceKnowledge of religions, deities, undead, and creatures from celestial or abyssal planes.
ReligionIntelligenceKnowledge of local customs, law, history, culture, geography, and humanoid races.
Rope UseDexterityAbility to tie knots or escape from bonds.

Each level you gain skill and knowledge ranks to use as you choose. You can allocate as many ranks at a time as you want, but you cannot have more ranks in a skill or knowledge category than your character level.

Table 5a: Skill Progression per Class
Progression TierRanks Per LevelClasses
Low2Alchemist, Spellwright, Cleric, Fighter, Magus, Oracle, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard
Medium4Barbarian, Druid, Elementalist, Inquisitor, Monk, Ranger
High6Rogue, Bard
Table 5b: Knowledge Progression per Class
Progression TierRanks Per LevelClasses
Low2Barbarian, Cleric, Elementalist, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch
Medium4Bard, Druid, Inquisitor, Magus, Ranger, Rogue
High6Alchemist, Spellwright, Oracle, Wizard

In addition to class-based ranks, you also get bonus ranks, which can be applied to either knowledge or skills. The number of bonus ranks you gain each level is equal to your Intelligence bonus. Humans gain 1 additional bonus rank each level on top of that.

<< Step 8: Abilities << >> Step 10: Money and Equipment >>