Omox Demon
CR 12, CE Medium Outsider (aquatic, demon, extraplanar)
Senses: Perception 28, Darkvision 120
Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 80 ft. Skills: Acrobatics 19, Athletics 20, Insight 20, Stealth 23, Dungeoneering 18, Planes 18
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, telepathy (100 ft.)
Ability Scores: Str 26 (+22), Dex 25 (+13), Con 24 (+21), Int 15 (+16), Wis 19 (+18), Cha 18 (+18)
INIT: +11 CP: +13 HP: 162 (13d10+91) SA: 15 DC: 25
AC: 28 Touch: 18 Flat-footed: 20 [+8 Dodge, +10 Natural]
SR: 25 Vulnerable: -- Resistant: Cold 10, Fire 10, Weapons 10 Bypass: Good, Cold iron
Immunity: Acid, Electricity, Poison Effect Immunity: Critical Hits, Disease, Paralysis, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun
Combat Reflexes (ex) - The Omox Demon gets a number of reactions equal to its dexterity bonus.
Mobility (ex) - All attacks of opportunity made against the Omox Demon are done at disadvantage.
- Melee (Natural) - 2 x slams +21 (1d6+8 plus 3d6 acid and smother). Reach: 5 ft. Smother - Each time this attack is successful, the Omox Demon can make a grapple check as a free action to see if it holds his opponent. If successful, the opponent is grappled and smothered. At the beginning of each turn that it is grappled, the target creature cannot breathe or speak and is in danger of suffocation.
- Ranged - 1 x slime +20 (1d6 plus 3d6 acid and entangle). Range: 25/50/100 Entangle - When a target is hit, the Omox Demon may make a free grapple check. If successful, the target is grappled (level 1).
Liquid Leap (Bonus)(sp) - As long as the Omox Demon is in contact with liquid, it can use teleport (level 4) as a bonus action. Its starting and ending points must be connected by a contiguous mass of liquid.
- Spell Like Abilities (1/day)
- Spell Like Abilities (3/day)
- Spell Like Abilities (At Will)
Environment: Extraplanar (the Abyss)
Organization: solitary clot (2-6)
Treasure: standard
This rancid-smelling mound of animated ooze has about its shifting countenance the hideous shape of a half-melted man.