
Night Hag

CR 9, NE Medium Outsider (extraplanar, hag)

Senses: Perception 16, Darkvision 60, Detect magic 60The creature can detect magic (per the spell) in line-of-sight., Detect alignmentThe creature can detect the alignment of creatures if they are in line-of-sight.

Speed: 30 ft.  Skills: Deception 16, Insight 16, Intimidation 14, Animals 15, Arcana 15, Planes 15

Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal

Ability Scores: Str 21 (+16), Dex 19 (+8), Con 22 (+17), Int 18 (+15), Wis 16 (+14), Cha 17 (+14)

INIT: +4  CP: +8  HP: 92 (8d10+48)  SA: 12  DC: 22

AC: 25  Touch: 14  Flat-footed: 21 [+4 Dodge, +11 Natural]

SR: 26  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: Weapons 10  Bypass: Cold iron, +1 weapon

Immunity: Cold, Fire  Effect Immunity: Enchantment Spells, Fear, Sleep


Fast Healing (su) - The Night Hag recovers 2 lost hit points per round on its turn.

Heartstone (ex) - All night hags carry a heartstone-a special gemstone worth at least 1,800 gp that is worn as a periapt. A heartstone's magic is fueled by the hag's spirit and proximity-once separated from its owner (or upon the hag's death), a heartstone retains its magic for only 24 hours before becoming a nonmagical gem again. A night hag that loses this charm can no longer use etherealness or soul bind until it finds a replacement gemstone.

Dream Haunting (su) - A night hag can visit the dreams of chaotic or evil targets by using a special periapt known as a heartstone to become ethereal, then hovering over the creature. Once it does so, it rides on the victim's back until dawn. The sleeper suffers tormenting dreams and takes 1 point of Constitution drain upon awakening. Only another ethereal being can stop these nocturnal intrusions by confronting and defeating the night hag.

Constant Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) - The following spells are always active: Detect


Alter Self (sp) - This creature can cast Polymoprh as per the level 2 version of the spell.

Deep Slumber (sp, Enchantment) - Causes a magical sleep to come across 10 HD of creatures. Those closest to the spell origin are affected first. Slapping or wounding the creature awakens it. Duration: 10 min, concentration. Range: 120 feet. Area: 10-foot radius. Save: CHA negates.

Magic Missile (sp) - This creature can cast magic missile, creating 3 missile that deal 1d4+1 force damage and never miss a target within 120 feet.

Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: Extraplanar (any evil-aligned plane)

Organization: None

Treasure: standard

Grisly fetishes and the rags of once fine clothes hang off the corpsethin frame of this horrifying, sharp-fanged crone.