
Faerie Dragon

CR 2, CG Tiny Dragon

Senses: Perception 8, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision

Speed: 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 30 ft.  Skills: Acrobatics 5, Athletics 1, Deception 9, Insight 8, Persuasion 9, Stealth 17, Magic Items 9

Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, telepathy (100 ft.)

Ability Scores: Str 9 (+3), Dex 17 (+7), Con 13 (+5), Int 16 (+7), Wis 14 (+6), Cha 16 (+7)

INIT: +3  CP: +3  HP: 22 (3d12+3)  SA: 5  DC: 15

AC: 18  Touch: 16  Flat-footed: 14 [+4 Dodge, +2 Natural, +2 Size]

SR: 15  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: Paralysis, Sleep


Breath Weapon (su, Enchantment, every 1d4 rounds) - 5-ft. cone, euphoria, CON negates. Creatures affected by euphoria are staggered, fatigued (level 2), and immune to fear effects for the duration.


Spell Like Abilities (3/day)

Environment: temperate or warm forests

Organization: None

Treasure: standard

A pair of brightly colored butterf ly wings sprouts from the back of this miniature dragon.

Related to pseudodragons, faerie dragons are whimsical, playful pranksters that spend most of their time either relaxing in cool forest glades or engaged in some sort of prank. Although such mischief is usually spontaneous, some faerie dragons have been known to spend months or even years in preparation of one truly spectacular joke. Travelers making their way through lands known to be inhabited by these good-natured-but sometimes annoying-tricksters are advised to keep up their guard lest they face all manner of creative annoyances (horses painted with berry juice, squirrels placed inside bedrolls, and clothing decorating high branches being a few examples). Unlike true dragons, faerie dragons do not grow larger with age, but their scales do change color, starting with red and moving through the rainbow to reach dark violet at old age. Faerie dragons grow in power as spellcasters as they age (typically gaining levels in sorcerer), learning more powerful spells to complement their innate abilities. The spells of faerie dragons tend to focus on tools that can be used to create or enhance pranks, and illusion and enchantment spells are particularly popular. Faerie dragons avoid combat unless there is no other option. If forced to fight, faerie dragons attempt to confound enemies rather than kill them, using both spells and breath weapon to weaken and scatter foes before fleeing. The only exception to this is when a faerie dragon's clan or allies are in danger. As capricious as these tiny dragons can be, many prove quick to bond with goodly creatures, especially fey and others they find interesting or hilarious-adventurers often fall into this latter camp, particularly those most outraged by a faerie dragon's tricks. Faerie dragons sometimes ally with spellcasters, serving as curious, occasionally reckless, but always true familiars. An arcane spellcaster of at least 7th level with an alignment within 1 step of chaotic good who has the Improved Familiar feat may select a faerie dragon as a familiar.

Faerie dragons are chaotic members of the dragon family and are believed to be distant cousins of the pseudodragon. Faerie dragons resemble tiny 1-2 foot long dragons. Female faerie dragons have a golden sheen to their coloring while males have a silver sheen. Faerie dragons love to play pranks on passersby and employ their spells to this end. Some faerie dragons spend months on end preparing for the day they can unleash their single grand practical joke or prank. Faerie dragons avoid combat and only attack if cornered or if their lair or young are in immediate danger. A faerie dragon attacks with its breath weapon, spells, and bite. Faerie Dragons as Familiars Although difficult to control, a faerie dragon can make for a powerful familiar. Spellcasters wishing to take a faerie dragon as a familiar must take the Improved Familiar feat and have an alignment within one step of chaotic good. The character must have an arcane spellcaster level of at least 7th before taking a faerie dragon as a familiar.