

Defenders of the wild places, druids draw their power and abilities from the natural world around them.

LevelWild Shape Polymorph LvlCombat Proficiency BonusNew Abilities
1st--+0Spells, summon nature's ally, bonus languages, standard technique, cantrips, wild empathy
2nd--+1Nature's Bond
3rd--+2Skill focus, standard technique
4thLevel 3+3Nature's mastery, ability score increase
5thLevel 3+3Druid technique
6thLevel 4+4Standard technique
7thLevel 4+5Druid technique
8thLevel 5+6Ability Score Increase, extra attack
9thLevel 5+6Standard technique
10thLevel 6+7Druid technique
11thLevel 6+8Druid technique
12thLevel 7+9Standard technique, ability score increase
13thLevel 7+9Druid technique
14thLevel 7+10Druid technique
15thLevel 7+11Standard technique, extra attack
16thLevel 7+12Ability score increase
17thLevel 7+12Druid technique
18thLevel 7+13Standard technique
19thLevel 7+14Druid technique
20thLevel 7+15Home ground, ability score increase
LevelWild Shape Polymorph LvlCombat Proficiency Bonus
4thLevel 3+3
5thLevel 3+3
6thLevel 4+4
7thLevel 4+5
8thLevel 5+6
9thLevel 5+6
10thLevel 6+7
11thLevel 6+8
12thLevel 7+9
13thLevel 7+9
14thLevel 7+10
15thLevel 7+11
16thLevel 7+12
17thLevel 7+12
18thLevel 7+13
19thLevel 7+14
20thLevel 7+15
LevelNew Abilities
1stSpells, summon nature's ally, bonus languages, standard technique, cantrips, wild empathy
2ndNature's bond
3rdSkill focus, standard technique
4thNature's mastery, ability score increase
5thDruid technique
6thStandard technique
7thDruid technique
8thAbility Score Increase, extra attack
9thStandard technique
10thDruid technique
11thDruid technique
12thStandard technique, ability score increase
13thDruid technique
14thDruid technique
15thStandard technique, extra attack
16thAbility Score Increase
17thDruid technique
18thStandard technique
19thDruid technique
20thHome ground, ability score increase
LevelSpell Slots Per Day

Class Features

Prime Ability: Wisdom

Hit Points: d8 + Con bonus per level

Skill Points: Medium (4 points per level)

Knowledge Points: Medium (4 points per level)

Save DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom Bonus

Spell Attack Bonus: Character Level + Wisdom Bonus

Starting Proficiencies

Weapon Proficiency: All simple weapons except for crossbows and axes

Armor Proficiency: Light and Medium Armor Proficiencies (non-metal), Shield Proficiency (non-metal)


You cast spells that are drawn from the Druid, Animal, Plant, or Weather domains. You may also choose one of the following domains to complete your spell list: Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Water.

Each day, you choose and prepare spells from these domains at a specific time each day--usually a time with sunrise or sunset. During this time, you spend 1 hour in quiet supplication, allowing you to renew your daily allotment of spells. Unlike some casters, time spent resting has no effect on whether you can prepare spells. You may prepare a number of spells per day equal to 2 + your level + Wis Bonus.

To cast your prepared spells, you expend a spell slot of the appropriate level. The prepared spell remains in your repertoire, and you may continue to re-cast the same spell over again provided you have spell slots available. The number of spell slots you get per day is dependent of your character level (see the table above).


Some spells are so minor or intuitive that they don't require spell slots. At level 1 you start by knowing three cantrips of your choice. Once chosen, you cannot change these, though you gain a new cantrip at level 5 and every fifth level afterward. Cantrips are cast like normal spells, except they don't require spell slots. You can cast them as many times as you wish. See cantrips.

Summon Nature’s Ally

You can intuitively cast Summon Animal. You have this spell automatically prepared, and it doesn’t count toward your daily allotment of prepared spells. This spell still uses a spell slot when cast. At level 3, you may choose to swap Summon Animal for Summon Swarm, or at level 5, you may swap it out for Summon Elemental. Once you choose to swap, the choice is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Bonus Languages

All druids know Druidic as one of their primary languages. Druidic is a secret language known only to druids, and they are forbidden to teach this language to nondruids. You may also choose to have Language Proficiency (Sylvan) as one of your secondary languages. This proficiency is acquired free at level 1 and doesn't require any training costs.

Wild Empathy (Ex)

You gain the Wild Empathy ability ability.

Nature's Bond

At level 2, you develop a strong bond with nature. You may choose one of the following abilities.

Nature Skills (Ex)

At level 3 you gain the Skill Focus common ability for two of the following skills: Animals, Arcana, Dungeoneering, Medicine, Nature, Planes, Poison, or an appropriate Craft skill.

Nature's Mastery

At level 4 you begin to gain mastery over nature. You may choose one of the following abilities.

Druid Techniques

At level 5 you learn a druid technique. You learn additional druid techniques automatically at levels 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 17, and 19.

Extra Attacks (Ex)

At level 8 and again at level 15, you gain an extra attack that you can make when making a full attack. In a full attack, all attacks except for your first ones are made at a -5 penalty.

Home Ground (Su)

At 20th level, select a specific area relevant to the campaign, such as a prominent forest, mountain, or even a patch of sea. You know every tree, every deer, every blade of grass, and every scuttling beetle in that area. While in this area you: