
Cleric Domain Spells


Cloud (1)

Corrosive Touch (1)

Acid Arrow (2)

Caustic Mire (2)

Elemental Touch (2)

Energy Weapon (2)

Protection From Energy (2)

Cauterizing Weapon (3)

Elemental Aura (3)

Eruptive Pustules (3)

Glyph Of Warding (3)

Trial Of Fire And Acid (3)

Detonate (4)

Dragon's Breath (4)

Vitriolic Mist (4)

Acidic Spray (5)

Augmenting Wall (5)

Caustic Blood (5)

Corrosive Consumption (5)

Caustic Eruption (7)


Curse Water (1)

Fear (1)

Hideous Laughter (1)

Negative Reaction (1)

Ray Of Fatigue (1)

Arcana Disruption (2)

Aristocrat's Nightmare (2)

Blindness/Deafness (2)

Sickening Strikes (2)

Summon Swarm (2)

Touch Of Bloodletting (2)

Touch Of Idiocy (2)

Bestow Curse (3)

Contagion (3)

Excruciating Deformation (3)

Remove Curse (3)

Confusion (4)

Mark Of Justice (4)

Unholy Blight (4)

Feeblemind (5)

Nightmare (5)

Polymorph Creature (5)

Quest (5)

Scourge (5)

Eyebite (6)

Curse Of Night (8)

Endless Slumber (8)

Irresistible Dance (8)

Cursed Earth (9)


Alter Winds (1)

Cloud (1)

Endure Elements (1)

Feather Fall (1)

Message (1)

Ray Of Frost (1)

Windy Escape (1)

Aggressive Thundercloud (2)

Euphoric Cloud (2)

Ghostbane Dirge (2)

Gust Of Wind (2)

Gusting Sphere (2)

Instant Weapon (2)

Silence (2)

Sound Burst (2)

Whispering Wind (2)

Air Breathing (3)

Air Geyser (3)

Cloak Of Winds (3)

Earthbind (3)

Fly (3)

Gaseous Form (3)

Summon Elemental (3)

Wind Wall (3)

Zone Of Sweet Air (3)

Absorbing Inhalation (4)

Air Walk (4)

River Of Wind (4)

Control Winds (5)

Wind Blades (5)

Sirocco (6)

Wind Walk (6)

Control Weather (7)

Repulsion (7)

Whirlwind (8)

Elemental Swarm (9)

Winds Of Vengeance (9)


Animal Messenger (1)

Attract Animal (1)

Calm Animals (1)

Charm Animal (1)

Hunter's Mark (1)

Know The Enemy (1)

Monkey Fish (1)

Mount (1)

Speak With Animals (1)

Summon Animal (1)

Web Bolt (1)

Animal Aspect (2)

Animal Trance (2)

Beast Sense (2)

Bloodhound (2)

Fist Of The Adder (2)

Polymorph (2)

Raven's Flight (2)

Savage Maw (2)

Spider Climb (2)

Summon Swarm (2)

Web (2)

Control Animal (3)

Animal Ambassador (4)

Aspect Of The Wolf (4)

Atavism (4)

Giant Vermin (4)

Insect Spies (4)

Repel Vermin (4)

Animal Growth (5)

Awaken (5)

Commune With Nature (5)

Polymorph Creature (5)

Share Skin (6)

Creeping Doom (7)

Animal Shapes (8)

Cursed Earth (9)

Shapechange (9)


Blood Money (1)

Celestial Healing (1)

Infernal Healing (1)

Adhesive Blood (2)

Blood Armor (2)

Blood Blaze (2)

Blood Transcription (2)

Bloodbath (2)

Brow Gasher (2)

Touch Of Bloodletting (2)

Blood Salvation (3)

Bloody Arrows (3)

Vampiric Touch (3)

Waves Of Blood (3)

Symbol (4)

Transplant Visage (4)

Caustic Blood (5)

Vampiric Shadow Shield (5)


Bane (1)

Bless (1)

Detect (1)

Entropic Shield (1)

Hide (1)

Light (1)

Protection (1)

Sacred Flame (1)

Sanctuary (1)

Shield Of Faith (1)

Align Weapon (2)

Augury (2)

Consecrate (2)

Desecrate (2)

Hold (2)

Spiritual Weapon (2)

Status (2)

Create Food And Water (3)

Dispel Magic (3)

Invisibility Purge (3)

Magic Circle (3)

Magic Vestment (3)

Summon Celestial (3)

Summon Fiend (3)

Dismissal (4)

Divination (4)

Divine Power (4)

Imbue With Spell Ability (4)

Planar Ally (4)

Sending (4)

Commune (5)

Dispel Alignment (5)

Disrupting Weapon (5)

Righteous Might (5)

Forbiddance (6)

Word Of Recall (6)

Divine Word (7)

Refuge (7)

Antipathy / Sympathy (8)

Aura (8)

Astral Projection (9)

Miracle (9)

Overwhelming Presence (9)


Jury-Rig (1)

Mending (1)

Instant Weapon (2)

Molten Orb (2)

Wood Shape (2)

Conjure Carriage (3)

Continual Flame (3)

Instant Fake (3)

Phantom Steed (3)

Shrink Item (3)

Stone Shape (3)

Creation (4)

Fabricate (4)

Transmute Rock To Mud (5)

Wall Of Iron (5)

Wall Of Stone (5)

Heroes' Feast (6)

Create Demiplane (7)

Magnetic Field (7)

Simulacrum (7)

Transmute Metal To Wood (7)

Clone (8)

Enhance Demiplane (8)

Vault (8)


Chill Touch (1)

Death Knell (1)

Deathwatch (1)

Summon Shadow (1)

Animate Dead (2)

Call Spirit (2)

Create Crawling Hand (2)

Gentle Repose (2)

Ghostbane Dirge (2)

Ghoul Touch (2)

Instant Weapon (2)

Siphon Death (2)

Spectral Hand (2)

Contagion (3)

False Death (3)

Soul Bind (3)

Speak With Dead (3)

Vampiric Touch (3)

Create Undead (4)

Death Ward (4)

Field Of Ghouls (4)

Phantasmal Killer (4)

Symbol (4)

Vampiric Shadow Shield (5)

Circle Of Death (6)

Slay Living (6)

Undeath To Death (6)

Finger Of Death (7)

Power Word Kill (9)


Curse Water (1)

Death Knell (1)

Holy Burst (1)

Interrogation (1)

Poisoned Egg (1)

Blood Blaze (2)

Shatter (2)

Sickening Strikes (2)

Touch Of Bloodletting (2)

Contagion (3)

Chaos Hammer (4)

Detonate (4)

Enervation (4)

Poison (4)

Symbol (4)

Unholy Blight (4)

Caustic Blood (5)

Disintegrate (6)

Harm (6)

Slay Living (6)

Earthquake (8)

Orb Of The Void (8)

Implosion (9)


Blend (1)

Charm Animal (1)

Cure Wounds (1)

Detect (1)

Faerie Fire (1)

Goodberry (1)

Hide (1)

Jump (1)

Light (1)

Magic Fang (1)

Mending (1)

Pass Without Trace (1)

Purify Food And Drink (1)

Shillelagh (1)

Snare (1)

Consecrate (2)

Darkness (2)

Enhance Ability (2)

Hide Campsite (2)

Hold Animal (2)

Locate (2)

Moonbeam (2)

Restoration (2)

Soothing Word (2)

Steal Size (2)

Collaborative Thaumaturgy (3)

Dispel Magic (3)

False Death (3)

Quench (3)

Remove Disease (3)

Death Ward (4)

Freedom Of Movement (4)

Grove Of Respite (4)

Poison (4)

Rusting Grasp (4)

Reincarnate (5)

Scrying (5)

Find The Path (6)

Heal (6)

Spellstaff (6)

True Seeing (6)

Word Of Recall (6)

Changestaff (7)

Finger Of Death (7)

Regenerate (7)

Reverse Gravity (7)

Sunbeam (7)

Antipathy / Sympathy (8)

Sunburst (8)

Foresight (9)

World Wave (9)


Endure Elements (1)

Magic Stone (1)

Mudball (1)

Stone Fist (1)

Stone Shield (1)

Groundswell (2)

Molten Orb (2)

Soften Earth And Stone (2)

Stone Call (2)

Stone Discus (2)

Stone Throwing (2)

Earthbind (3)

Meld Into Stone (3)

Minute Meteors (3)

Pellet Blast (3)

Spike Growth (3)

Stone Shape (3)

Summon Elemental (3)

Stoneskin (4)

Passwall (5)

Transmute Rock To Mud (5)

Wall Of Stone (5)

Move Earth (6)

Petrify (6)

Stone Tell (6)

Statue (7)

Earthquake (8)

Repel Metal Or Stone (8)

Clashing Rocks (9)

Elemental Swarm (9)

Fallen Druid

Blend (1)

Charm Animal (1)

Cure Wounds (1)

Detect (1)

Faerie Fire (1)

Hide (1)

Jump (1)

Light (1)

Magic Fang (1)

Pass Without Trace (1)

Shillelagh (1)

Snare (1)

Darkness (2)

Desecrate (2)

Enhance Ability (2)

Hide Campsite (2)

Locate (2)

Moonbeam (2)

Sickening Strikes (2)

Siphon Death (2)

Steal Size (2)

Touch Of Bloodletting (2)

Collaborative Thaumaturgy (3)

Contagion (3)

Dispel Magic (3)

False Death (3)

Nauseating Trail (3)

Quench (3)

Siphon Might (3)

Death Ward (4)

Freedom Of Movement (4)

Poison (4)

Rusting Grasp (4)

Reincarnate (5)

Scrying (5)

Antilife Shell (6)

Find The Path (6)

Heal (6)

Spellstaff (6)

True Seeing (6)

Word Of Recall (6)

Changestaff (7)

Finger Of Death (7)

Regenerate (7)

Reverse Gravity (7)

Sunbeam (7)

Antipathy / Sympathy (8)

Curse Of Night (8)

Sunburst (8)

Foresight (9)

Polar Midnight (9)


Burning Hands (1)

Endure Elements (1)

Fiery Runes (1)

Hellish Rebuke (1)

Produce Flame (1)

Touch Of Combustion (1)

Blistering Invective (2)

Blood Blaze (2)

Burning Gaze (2)

Elemental Touch (2)

Energy Weapon (2)

Fire Breath (2)

Flame Arrow (2)

Flame Blade (2)

Flames Of The Faithful (2)

Flaming Sphere (2)

Heat Metal (2)

Protection From Energy (2)

Pyrotechnics (2)

Scorch (2)

Scorching Ray (2)

Cauterizing Weapon (3)

Continual Flame (3)

Elemental Aura (3)

Fiery Cube (3)

Fire Trail (3)

Fireball (3)

Glyph Of Warding (3)

Searing Light (3)

Summon Elemental (3)

Trial Of Fire And Acid (3)

Dragon's Breath (4)

Fire Shield (4)

Fire Trap (4)

Firefall (4)

Shield Of The Dawn (4)

Wall Of Fire (4)

Blood Boil (5)

Fire Snake (5)

Flame Strike (5)

Chains Of Fire (6)

Fire Seeds (6)

Fire Storm (7)

Elemental Swarm (9)

Fiery Body (9)


Endure Elements (1)

Frostbite (1)

Ice-Bound Armor (1)

Snowball (1)

Elemental Touch (2)

Energy Weapon (2)

Flurry Of Snowballs (2)

Frigid Touch (2)

Ice Slick (2)

Instant Weapon (2)

Protection From Energy (2)

Cauterizing Weapon (3)

Elemental Aura (3)

Glyph Of Warding (3)

Sleet Storm (3)

Detonate (4)

Dragon's Breath (4)

Ice Storm (4)

Wall Of Ice (4)

Augmenting Wall (5)

Cone Of Cold (5)

Freezing Sphere (6)

Control Weather (7)

Polar Ray (8)


Interrogation (1)

Know The Enemy (1)

Litany Of Sloth (1)

Litany Of Weakness (1)

Peacebound (1)

Blistering Invective (2)

Bloodhound (2)

Locate (2)

Zone Of Truth (2)

Find Fault (3)

Guardian Of Faith (3)

Suggestion (3)

Control Person (4)

Discern Lies (4)

Mark Of Justice (4)

Order's Wrath (4)

Resilient Sphere (4)

Scourge (5)

Scrying (5)

True Seeing (6)

Forcecage (7)

Power Word Blind (7)

Binding (8)

Discern Location (8)

Imprisonment (8)


Bestow Weapon Proficiency (1)

Comprehend Languages (1)

Deathwatch (1)

Identify (1)

Know The Enemy (1)

Magic Aura (1)

Message (1)

Perusal (1)

Acute Senses (2)

Locate (2)

Page-Bound Epiphany (2)

See Invisibility (2)

Spell Gauge (2)

Undetectable Alignment (2)

Zone Of Truth (2)

Clairvoyance (3)

Collaborative Thaumaturgy (3)

Find Fault (3)

Speak With Dead (3)

Discern Lies (4)

Contact Other Plane (5)

False Vision (5)

Legend Lore (5)

Scrying (5)

Analyze Dweomer (6)

Borrowed Time (6)

Find The Path (6)

Impart Mind (6)

True Seeing (6)

Discern Location (8)

Moment Of Prescience (8)

Foresight (9)


Cure Wounds (1)

Disrupt Undead (1)

Keep Watch (1)

Neutralize Poison (1)

Purify Food And Drink (1)

Remove Fear (1)

Stabilize (1)

Blindness/Deafness (2)

Calm Emotions (2)

Enhance Ability (2)

Gentle Repose (2)

Remove Stun (2)

Restoration (2)

Sacred Bond (2)

Soothing Word (2)

Remove Curse (3)

Remove Disease (3)

Death Ward (4)

Freedom Of Movement (4)

Break Enchantment (5)

Resurrection (5)

Heal (6)

Heroes' Feast (6)

Regenerate (7)


Shock Shield (1)

Shocking Grasp (1)

Aggressive Thundercloud (2)

Defensive Shock (2)

Elemental Touch (2)

Energy Weapon (2)

Instant Weapon (2)

Protection From Energy (2)

Call Lightning (3)

Cauterizing Weapon (3)

Elemental Aura (3)

Glyph Of Warding (3)

Lightning Arrow (3)

Lightning Bolt (3)

Storm Step (3)

Ball Lightning (4)

Detonate (4)

Augmenting Wall (5)

Chain Lightning (6)

Control Weather (7)

Stormbolts (8)

Storm Of Vengeance (9)


Charm (1)

Fear (1)

Hidden Intimidation (1)

Hypnotism (1)

Lock Gaze (1)

Message (1)

Mind Blast (1)

Remove Fear (1)

Shadow Weapon (1)

Enthrall (2)

Qualm (2)

Undetectable Alignment (2)

Psychic Leech (3)

Soul Bind (3)

Suggestion (3)

Compulsion (4)

Confusion (4)

Control Person (4)

Modify Memory (4)

Symbol (4)

Telepathy (4)

Dominate (5)

Dream (5)

Feeblemind (5)

Mind Fog (5)

Nightmare (5)

Quest (5)

Scourge (5)

Impart Mind (6)

True Seeing (6)

Psychic Scream (9)


Countless Eyes (1)

Disguise (1)

Enlarge Person (1)

Long Arm (1)

Magic Fang (1)

Monkey Fish (1)

Fire Breath (2)

Fist Of The Adder (2)

Invisibility (2)

Polymorph (2)

Twisted Innards (2)

Bestow Curse (3)

Crawling Eye (3)

Eruptive Pustules (3)

Excruciating Deformation (3)

Gaseous Form (3)

Siphon Might (3)

Absorbing Inhalation (4)

Transplant Visage (4)

Vomit Twin (4)

Rubberskin (5)

Lash Of The Astradaemon (6)

Transformation (6)

Iron Body (8)


Faerie Fire (1)

Keep Watch (1)

Shadow Weapon (1)

Sleep (1)

Blindness/Deafness (2)

Darkness (2)

Darkvision (2)

Dust Of Twilight (2)

Flickering Lights (2)

Instant Weapon (2)

Moonbeam (2)

Umbral Weapon (2)

Gloomblind Bolts (3)

Shield Of Darkness (3)

Shadow Conjuration (4)

Wall Of Gloom (4)

Dream (5)

Nightmare (5)

Shadow Evocation (5)

Shadow Walk (5)

Vampiric Shadow Shield (5)

Power Word Blind (7)

Umbral Strike (7)

Curse Of Night (8)

Polar Midnight (9)


Compelled Duel (1)

Disrupt Undead (1)

Holy Burst (1)

Mighty Smite (1)

Protection (1)

Sacred Flame (1)

Burst Of Speed (2)

Energy Weapon (2)

Dispel Magic (3)

Guardian Banner (3)

Guardian Of Faith (3)

Heal Mount (3)

Divine Power (4)

Flash Forward (4)

Holy Sword (4)

Planar Ally (4)


Endure Elements (1)

Blink (3)

Gloomblind Bolts (3)

Air Walk (4)

Dimensional Anchor (4)

Shadow Conjuration (4)

Call Outsider (5)

Contact Other Plane (5)

Cruel Jaunt (5)

Secret Chest (5)

Shadow Evocation (5)

Shadow Walk (5)

Dimensional Blade (6)

Wind Walk (6)

Create Demiplane (7)

Etherealness (7)

Phase Door (7)

Plane Shift (7)

Dimensional Lock (8)

Discern Location (8)

Enhance Demiplane (8)

Orb Of The Void (8)

Vault (8)

Gate (9)


Entangle (1)

Hail Of Thorns (1)

Neutralize Poison (1)

Thorn Whip (1)

Barkskin (2)

Polymorph (2)

Vine Strike (2)

Wood Shape (2)

Burst Of Nettles (3)

Diminish Plants (3)

Plant Growth (3)

Speak With Plants (3)

Spike Growth (3)

Tree Shape (3)

Antiplant Shell (4)

Blight (4)

Awaken (5)

Tree Stride (5)

Vinetrap (5)

Wall Of Thorns (5)

Liveoak (6)

Repel Wood (6)

Transport Via Plants (6)

Animate Plants (7)

Transmute Metal To Wood (7)

Control Plants (8)

Cursed Earth (9)

Shambler (9)

Shapechange (9)


Alarm (1)

Arcane Lock (1)

Disrupt Undead (1)

Feather Fall (1)

Ice-Bound Armor (1)

Keep Watch (1)

Nondetection (1)

Barkskin (2)

Escaping Ward (2)

Protection From Arrows (2)

Protection From Energy (2)

Sacred Bond (2)

Shield Other (2)

Silence (2)

Undetectable Alignment (2)

Abjuration Steal (3)

Glyph Of Warding (3)

Guardian Banner (3)

Guardian Of Faith (3)

Death Ward (4)

Fire Shield (4)

Globe Of Invulnerability (4)

Resilient Sphere (4)

Spell Immunity (4)

Ward Shield (4)

Spell Resistance (5)

Antilife Shell (6)

Antimagic Field (6)

Blade Barrier (6)

Spell Turning (7)

Iron Body (8)

Mind Blank (8)

Prismatic Wall (8)

Screen (8)


Curse Water (1)

Death Knell (1)

Poisoned Egg (1)

Ray Of Enfeeblement (1)

Euphoric Cloud (2)

Fist Of The Adder (2)

Sickening Strikes (2)

Summon Swarm (2)

Touch Of Bloodletting (2)

Bestow Curse (3)

Contagion (3)

Diminish Plants (3)

Blight (4)

Confusion (4)

Enervation (4)

Giant Vermin (4)

Poison (4)

Symbol (4)

Unholy Blight (4)

Corrosive Consumption (5)

Feeblemind (5)

Scourge (5)

Waves Of Fatigue (5)

Eyebite (6)

Lash Of The Astradaemon (6)

Horrid Wilting (8)

Cursed Earth (9)


Bestow Weapon Proficiency (1)

Command (1)

Endure Elements (1)

Enlarge Person (1)

Jump (1)

Keep Watch (1)

Ray Of Enfeeblement (1)

Ray Of Fatigue (1)

Remove Fear (1)

Stone Fist (1)

Animal Aspect (2)

Enhance Ability (2)

Polymorph (2)

Savage Maw (2)

Steal Size (2)

Force Punch (3)

Siphon Might (3)

Forceful Strike (4)

Repel Vermin (4)

Heroes' Feast (6)

Transformation (6)

Magnetic Field (7)

Repulsion (7)

Iron Body (8)


Alarm (1)

Grease (1)

Line In The Sand (1)

Phantom Trap (2)

Explosive Runes (3)

Glyph Of Warding (3)

Sepia Snake Sigil (3)

Fire Trap (4)

Symbol (4)

Vinetrap (5)

Guards And Wards (6)

Forcecage (7)


Bed Of Iron (1)

Comprehend Languages (1)

Expeditious Retreat (1)

Pass Without Trace (1)

Escaping Ward (2)

Blink (3)

Fly (3)

Misty Step (3)

Tongues (3)

Air Walk (4)

Dimension Door (4)

Dimensional Anchor (4)

Flash Forward (4)

Freedom Of Movement (4)

Call Outsider (5)

Shadow Walk (5)

Teleport (5)

Find The Path (6)

Wind Walk (6)

Control Weather (7)

Etherealness (7)

Phase Door (7)

Plane Shift (7)

Dimensional Lock (8)

Discern Location (8)

Teleportation Circle (8)

Gate (9)


Audible Illusion (1)

Disguise (1)

Disguise Item (1)

Frightening Visage (1)

Hideous Laughter (1)

Illusionary Duplicate (1)

Image (1)

Nondetection (1)

Shadow Bolt (1)

Aristocrat's Nightmare (2)

Hidden Blades (2)

Hide Campsite (2)

Invisibility (2)

Mirror Image (2)

Phantasmal Bonds (2)

Phantom Trap (2)

Pilfering Hand (2)

Swap Image (2)

Twisted Space (2)

Abjuration Steal (3)

Bestow Curse (3)

Hallucination (3)

Instant Fake (3)

Misty Step (3)

Confusion (4)

Flash Forward (4)

Hallucinatory Terrain (4)

Illusion Of Treachery (4)

Illusory Wall (4)

Transplant Visage (4)

Mislead (5)

Project Image (6)

Triggered Illusion (6)

True Seeing (6)

Irresistible Dance (8)


Bed Of Iron (1)

Bestow Weapon Proficiency (1)

Compelled Duel (1)

Guardian Armor (1)

Longshot (1)

Magic Stone (1)

Magic Weapon (1)

Swift Girding (1)

Heart Of Metal (2)

Instant Weapon (2)

Returning Weapon (2)

Spiritual Weapon (2)

Armor Lock (3)

Find Fault (3)

Keen Edge (3)

Lightning Arrow (3)

Storm Of Blades (3)

Forceful Strike (4)

Resilient Reservoir (4)

Ward Shield (4)

Banishing Blade (5)

Blade Barrier (6)

Harm (6)

Slay Living (6)


Cloud (1)

Command (1)

Endure Elements (1)

Hydraulic Push (1)

Touch Of The Sea (1)

Wave Shield (1)

Aggressive Thundercloud (2)

River Whip (2)

Slipstream (2)

Aqueous Orb (3)

Summon Elemental (3)

Tidal Wave (3)

Water Breathing (3)

Water Walk (3)

Control Water (4)

Cone Of Cold (5)

Geyser (5)

Fluid Form (6)

Vortex (7)

Horrid Wilting (8)

Seamantle (8)

Elemental Swarm (9)

Tsunami (9)

World Wave (9)


Alter Winds (1)

Cloud (1)

Endure Elements (1)

Know Direction (1)

Ray Of Frost (1)

Thunderstomp (1)

Aggressive Thundercloud (2)

Gust Of Wind (2)

Thunderwave (2)

Call Lightning (3)

Cloak Of Winds (3)

Sleet Storm (3)

Storm Step (3)

Control Water (4)

Ice Storm (4)

Control Winds (5)

Sirocco (6)

Control Weather (7)

Fire Storm (7)

Whirlwind (8)

Storm Of Vengeance (9)

Winds Of Vengeance (9)