

CR 7, LE Huge Aberration (aquatic)

Senses: Perception 14, Darkvision 60

Speed: 10 ft., swim 60 ft.  Skills: Athletics 12, Intimidation 14, Arcana 13

Languages: Aboleth, Aklo, Aquan, Undercommon

Ability Scores: Str 20 (+8), Dex 12 (+10), Con 22 (+9), Int 15 (+11), Wis 17 (+12), Cha 17 (+12)

INIT: +5  CP: +6  HP: 84 (8d8+48)  SA: 10  DC: 20

AC: 20  Touch: 9  Flat-footed: 19 [+1 Dodge, +11 Natural, -2 Size]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: Psychic  Effect Immunity: Mental Effects


Mucous Cloud (ex) - While underwater, a Aboleth exudes a cloud of transparent slime. All creatures adjacent to it must succeed on a Con save each round or lose the ability to breathe air (but gain the ability to breathe water) for 3 hours. Renewed contact with the mucus cloud and failing another save extends the effect for another 3 hours. The slime can be cleaned away only with alcohol or universal solvent.

Water Breathing (ex) - The creature can breathe under water.


Hypnotic Pattern (sp, Mental, Enchantment, Illusion) - The Aboleth can create a hypnotic pattern of colors in the air to fascinate creatures within 120 feet who fail a wisdom save. This affects up to 10 HD of creatures, starting with those with the fewest HD first. The pattern persists as long as the Aboleth maintains concentration on it plus two extra rounds.

Illusions (sp, Mental, Illusion) - The Aboleth can create illusions within 500 feet per the Image spell at will (up through level 6). These illusions are realistic to all senses and can be programed to respond to basic conditions. The Aboleth can also create an Illusory Wall, per the spell, can disguise terrain like Hallucinatory Terrain , and can clad it's subjects in an illusory disguise, per the Veil, spell.

Spell Like Abilities (3/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: any aquatic

Organization: None

Treasure: double

Four long tentacles writhe from this three-eyed fish-like creature's f lanks, and its green body glistens with thick, clear slime.

As befits their hideous primeval appearance, the hermaphroditic aboleths are among the world's oldest forms of life. Ancient even when the gods first turned their eyes to the Material Plane, the aboleths have always existed apart from other mortal life, alien and cold and endlessly plotting. They once ruled the world with vast empires, and today view most other forms of life as either food or slaves-and sometimes both. They disdain the gods and see themselves as the true masters of creation. An aboleth is 25 feet long and weighs 6,500 pounds. In the darkest reaches of the sea, aboleths still dwell in grotesque cities built in nauseating and cyclopean styles. There they are served by countless slaves culled from every nation, air-breathing and aquatic alike, although the air-breathing slaves are doubly bound by magic and the need to constantly replenish their water-breathing ability via the excretions of their aboleth masters. Lone aboleths are often advance scouts for these hidden cities, seeking out new slaves.