

CR 10, NE Medium Fey

Senses: Perception 23, Low Light Vision

Speed: 30 ft.  Skills: Deception 27, Insight 23, Intimidation 28, Persuasion 20, Stealth 35

Languages: Aklo, Common, tongues

Ability Scores: Str 12 (+6), Dex 21 (+17), Con 14 (+7), Int 15 (+14), Wis 16 (+15), Cha 25 (+19)

INIT: +9  CP: +8  HP: 93 (17d6+34)  SA: 13  DC: 23

AC: 23  Touch: 23  Flat-footed: 17 [+6 Dodge, +7 Shield]

SR: 23  Vulnerable: Cold iron 5  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: Psychic  Effect Immunity: Mental Effects


Alter Form (sp) - A Bogeyman can become invisible (invisibility level 2) or gaseous (per gaseous form) at will. Gaseous forms have weapon resistance 10, immunity to poison and critical hits. The Bogeyman loses its SU abilities when in gaseous form. It can move with a speed of 10 and can pass through small holes or openings.

Deepest Fear (su, Mental, Fear, Aura) - A Bogeyman is cloaked in a 30-foot aura of fear. This aura manifests as a shifting haze of images that reflect the viewer's deepest fears. The first time it ends its turn within the aura, a creature must make a WIS save or become shaken for as long as it stays within the aura. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it cannot be affected again by the aura for another 24 hours.

Detect Thoughts (sp, Continual) - A Bogeyman is able to detect the presence of thoughts. By concentrating for two rounds, they are able to read surface thoughts off of a specific creature (INT negates).

Mobility (ex) - All attacks of opportunity made against the Bogeyman are done at disadvantage.

Terrible Rejuvenation (su, Fear) - A Bogeyman gains fast healing 5 while any creature within its deepest fear aura is suffering from a fear effect, including any fear effect created by the aura itself.

Tongues (su) - A Bogeyman can communicate in any language, as per the tongues spell.

Constant Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) - The following spells are always active: Detect, Tongues


Crushing Despair (sp, Mental, Fear, 3/day) - The Bogeyman can radiate fear in a 30 foot cone. Those who fail saves gain 1 level of fear.

Ghost Sound (sp, Mental, Illusion) - The Bogeyman can create illusory sound effects of almost any sort.

Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (3/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: any

Organization: None

Treasure: double

Dressed in a long dark coat and a tall hat, this lanky, fanged humanoid exudes an almost palpable aura of horror.

Many believe that the most cruel and mischievous fey become bogeymen as a punishment or a reward for their actions. Others see bogeymen as supernatural manifestations of society's willingness to do itself harm. Bogeymen use their powers to haunt houses or secluded natural places where they can hunt prey unobserved. They relish using their ghost sound ability to hint at their presence long before they fully reveal themselves. It is not uncommon for a bogeyman to hide under a bed, or in a closet left slightly ajar, for days or even weeks, all the while feeding on its victims' growing realization that they are not alone. The most evil bogeymen are those who abandon the tactic of feeding on one person's fears at a time and take up roles of mass murderers or serial killers, or other pursuits designed to drive fear into the hearts of an entire city of victims. True to their name, all bogeymen are male. Sometimes, children whom they steal away to secret lairs emerge years later, transformed into new bogeymen, and return home to continue their supernatural father's work.

Bogeymen are the stuff of legends: creatures created in the minds of parents who relayed stories about incorporeal ghosts coming to carry their children off if they didn't go to bed when they were supposed to, didn't do their chores when asked, and so on. The apparitional bogeyman's ties to the land of the living are a result of these stories. By their very nature, bogeymen are not evil. They derive more pleasure from tormenting and harassing an opponent rather than outright killing it. Generally if a bogeyman reduces a living creature to a comatose state (by draining its Wisdom) it leaves it where it falls. Bogeymen feed off the fear and madness induced in living creatures rather than their blood, life force, or flesh. A bogeyman stands about 6 feet tall and appears as an incorporeal humanoid with a child-like countenance and delicate features. It robes and sash seem to constantly billow and blow as if by some unseen breeze. A bogeyman rarely confronts a party of adventurers, preferring to attack a lone individual when it is most vulnerable. Bogeymen always attack at night; none have ever been encountered during daylight hours. A bogeyman that fancies a creature may stalk that being for days, torturing it with its bump in the night ability before finally driving the victim completely mad.