

CR 7, CE Large Aberration

Senses: Perception 15, Darkvision 120, Detect alignmentThe creature can detect the alignment of creatures if they are in line-of-sight., Detect magicThe creature can detect magic (per the spell) in line-of-sight.

Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft.  Skills: Athletics 9, Intimidation 15, Stealth 14, Arcana 14

Languages: Common, Elven, Undercommon

Ability Scores: Str 15 (+5), Dex 15 (+5), Con 18 (+7), Int 15 (+11), Wis 16 (+12), Cha 16 (+12)

INIT: +2  CP: +6  HP: 76 (9d8+36)  SA: 10  DC: 20

AC: 20  Touch: 12  Flat-footed: 17 [+3 Dodge, +8 Natural, -1 Size]

SR: 20  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: Sleep


Blind-Fight (ex) - The Drider is proficient in fighting without the use of sight and gets +3 on all vision-based cover rolls. They are also not flat-footed when defending against invisible Driders and can move at full speed while blinded.

Constant Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) - The following spells are always active: Detect



Spell Like Abilities (1/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: any underground

Organization: solitary, pair, group (3-8)

Treasure: double (masterwork heavy mace, masterwork composite longbow [+2 Str] with 20 arrows, additional treasure)

The dry rasping of spidery legs brings this hideous monstrosity into view-a nightmarish, centaurian fusion of drow and spider.

Created from the body of a drow, warped and mutated through special poisons and elixirs to take on the characteristics of a giant spider, the drider is a dangerous creature. Driders are sexually dimorphic. A female drider's lower spider body is sleek and graceful, often similar to a black widow's body, while its upper drow torso retains its alluring curves and beautiful face (with the exception of sharp, poisonous fangs). A male drider's lower body is bulky like a tarantula, while its upper body is wiry and bears a hideous face more spider than drow, complete with fanged mandibles.