
Aranea (Archetype)

CR 4 humanoid

Senses: Perception 9, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision

Speed: Varies Skills: Acrobatics 7, Athletics 4, Stealth 9, Arcana 7

Ability Scores: Str 11 (+6), Dex 17 (+9), Con 14 (+8), Int 14 (+4), Wis 13 (+3), Cha 16 (+5)

INIT: +7 CP: +5 HP: 37 (5d10+10) SA: 7 DC: 17

AC: 20 Touch: 13 Flat-footed: 17 [+3 Dodge, +7 Natural]

SR: --  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: --  Effect Immunity: --


Magical Defenses (sp) - The Aranea can cast invisibility, mirror image, and mage armor as spell-like abilities. Under most circumstances, aranea will have mage armor pre-cast when encountered (already counted in AC above). If they have time to prepare for a fight, they may also use invisibility or mirror image in advance, as well.

Webs (ex) - The Aranea may have webs hidden around its lair. Creatures that approach must make a DC 20 Perception check to notice these or they stumble into them, possibly also alerting the Aranea of their presence. Escaping these webs is the same as escaping webs cast at opponents using a ranged attack.


Cantrips (sp) - Aranea can cast the following cantrips at will: ghost sound, light, mage hand, resistance.

Change Shape (su) - An aranea can take the form of a Small or Medium humanoid or spider-humanoid hybrid. In humanoid form, an aranea cannot use its bite, web, or poison. In spider-humanoid hybrid form, an aranea looks like a humanoid with spidery fangs and spinnerets, with the latter typically located at the small of its back. The aranea retains its bite attack, webs, and poison in this form, and can wield weapons and wear armor. When in humanoid or hybrid form, an aranea's speed is 30 feet and it has no climb speed.

Charm Person (sp, Mental, Enchantment, 7/day) - The target trusts the Aranea as an ally (attitude = friendly). If the enemy is in combat with the Aranea, it gains advantage on the check. Any hostile act by the Aranea or allies breaks the spell. Duration: 1 hour. Range: 30 feet. Saving Throw: CHA negates.



This bloated spider has a hunchbacked body and a gleam of intelligence in its multiple eyes.

An aranea is an intelligent, shapechanging spider with sorcerous powers. In its natural form, an aranea resembles a humpbacked spider a little bigger than a human, and weighs about 150 pounds. The hump on its back houses the aranea's brain. All araneas have a single alternate form as well-this alternate form is that of a Small or Medium humanoid. Although an aranea can assume a spider-hybrid variant of this form, it cannot use its change shape ability to assume multiple humanoid forms-this additional shape is locked into one unique appearance. Araneas typically gather in small colonies of two to six individuals, making webbed nests high in trees. These colonies work together to research magic, and may change membership many times over as individuals leave to pursue their own studies and are replaced by newer members. A single aranea may take on humanoid form and live for years in a humanoid community, never revealing its true nature. Though araneas generally prefer to be left alone, they often prove quite knowledgeable about the ways of magic, and if approached peacefully may be willing to share their expertise for the right price (typically a magic item or some service). Skilled spellcasters, araneas try to avoid physical combat and use their webs and spells when they can. Rather than kill their enemies, araneas often subdue opponents and hold them for ransom.