
Lamia Matriarch

CR 8, CE Large Monstrous humanoid (shapechanger)

Senses: Perception 3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision

Speed: 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.  Skills: Acrobatics 8, Athletics 13, Deception 21, Intimidation 20, Persuasion 11, Arcana 15, Magic Items 21

Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic

Ability Scores: Str 20 (+9), Dex 19 (+14), Con 17 (+7), Int 16 (+13), Wis 16 (+13), Cha 21 (+15)

INIT: +4  CP: +12  HP: 102 (12d10+36)  SA: 11  DC: 21

AC: 21  Touch: 13  Flat-footed: 17 [+4 Dodge, +8 Natural, -1 Size]

SR: 21  Vulnerable: --  Resistant: --  Bypass: --

Immunity: Psychic  Effect Immunity: Mental Effects


Extend Spell (su) - When casting a spell at 1 level higher than normal, the creature doubles its duration.

Improved Critical (ex) - The critical hit range of one of the creature's attacks increases by one point.

Two-Weapon Fighting (ex) - The creature is proficient in fighting with two weapons and is able to attack with weapons in both hands as a full-round action. Doing so inflicts a -2 penalty to all attacks.

Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (ex) - The creature has two off-hand attacks in a full-round attack. The second is made at -5.


Change Shape (su) - This creature can turn into one humanoid form, as per polymorph level 2.

Alter Self (sp) - This creature can cast Polymoprh as per the level 2 version of the spell.


Spell Like Abilities (3/day)Spell Like Abilities (At Will)

Environment: any land

Organization: None

Treasure: double (two +1 scimitars, other treasure)

This creature looks like a beautiful human woman from the waist up, but below is the body and tail of an immense snake.

The queens of a race consumed by bitterness and predatory instinct, lamia matriarchs mastermind all manner of foul plots in hopes of breaking the bestial curse that aff licts their race. They move with shocking ease from silken-tongued temptresses to dervishes, striking with all the deadly precision of vipers. Quick to covet, enslave, and overindulge, lamia matriarchs luxuriate in gory feasts, violent trysts, and bloody entertainments, reveling until their playthings are broken or until they tire and move on.